We offer a variety of programs and pricing for them.

CrossFit Unlimited Membership (includes all classes and MMA):

CrossFit unlimited Punch Card (2 month expiry) - Good for MarDock Movement Classes
$100 for 10 classes

CrossFit Couples Unlimited Membership

3x/Week CrossFit (includes MarDock Movement)

Drop In

Oly Lifting (use of platforms and weights only)

$100/10 classes or 15 for drop in

MarDock Movement

MarDock Movement is a bootcamp style class that mixes traditional calisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training.  We incorporate all types of equipment from sleds and dumbbells to battle ropes and sandbags. All workouts can and will be tailored to your fitness ability. This is a great place to start in your fitness journey!

High Intensity Functional Training

HIFT is a strength and conditioning program which consists of constantly varied functional movements.  This type of program can be used to accomplish any goal from improved health to weight loss to better performance.  The beauty of this, is that we teach fundamentals that translate into everyday life.  Within HIFT we create a program where participants will perform Olympic lifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, endurance training as well as interval training.  To begin our HIFT program we require 3 FREE foundations classes.

Teens Strength and Conditioning

Teens S&C is designed to work with middle school to high school aged teenagers.  Classes are structured similar to adults, focusing on technique and proper movement of functional movements as well as metcons to improve intensity and endurance.  Most importantly, our goal is to help improve overall coordination, agility, endurance, strength, confidence and camaraderie.

Team Sports Training

If you are a sports team looking for off season training, then you’ve come to the right place.  With our background and experience working with collegiate level teams, we develop programs based on the sport as well as needs of the team.  Give us a call today to set up an appointment to discuss programming and details.

Foundations / On-Ramp

Our On-Ramp or foundations class consists of 3 FREE sessions with a coach before entering a High Intensity Functional Training class.  The purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the movement and terminology within our programming as well as allowing our coaches to assess your movements so we can help you better.   The goal of our On-Ramp sessions are to establish a base for which you can build upon in our HIFT classes.  A strong foundation is valuable for your success!  Email us today to set up your 3 FREE On-Ramp classes at [email protected]

Personal Training

Want to get some one on one time with a coach?  We offer personal training sessions designed and created around you as an athlete.  This experience allows you personally develop and hone your skills.  Whether you want to work on Olympic lifting, power-lifting, or accessory work, we will program for your needs.